Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Three Things I love

There are three things I love about this video.

1. Colbert's six lapel pins. That'll show that hippie Jeff Tweedy to try to Out-American HIM!

By the way, if you think it was cool of Wilco to poke fun at one of the more pathetic non-scandal scandals of the election cycle, you are forgetting that Wilco gave away a song for free. That makes them commies. No wonder their favorite candidate is Obama.

2. They brought their Grammy to counter Colbert's Emmy, and just happened to leave it on the piano where everyone could see it. Real subtle. Nice try guys, but he's got a Peabody too. Got an answer for that one?

3. Curse you Nels Cline! The Obama buttons the whole band was wearing so liberally were small enough for the cameras not to catch them, but you just HAD to put that "HOPE" sticker right on your amp, RIGHT where the camera would catch it when you went to work the feedback. Clever, Cline. Very clever. You win this round.


Can we have Wilco back on Colbert please? They fit right in.

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